A tirade against outdoor mask mandates

A tirade against outdoor mask mandates

Fuck me, Spain, really? Outdoor mask-wearing again in 2022?

When 85% of the population are double-, and half of them are triple-vaxxed? With omicron, which is way milder than previous variants?

Even the New York Times knew back in the spring of 2021 that this is the stupidest of all the stupid life-denying restrictions one could come up with.

And most people go along. Bunch of fucking order takers. What the fuck are you afraid of? The Virus whose current, dominant variant is usually milder than the flu and against which you are three times inoculated? In fact, as a vaccinated person, you're less likely to die from Covid than from the flu.

What happened to teenagers and young adults? Why do they put that crap on their face when going for a walk or a bicycle ride? Dude, if you don't rebel against the stupidest shit that actually makes your life worse, what will you rebel against? Where are the punks when you need them?

Fuck, it would make more sense to put on a crown whenever you step outside to make the Virus think you're its friend.

Sure, just go along with this one, too. What's the point? You can't pass on Covid to someone bypassing them outdoors, with or without a mask. It's the tiniest bit you can do for our freedom, and they can't even enforce wearing it.

I don't think I'm Sophie Scholl or anything, but you don't have to be. I just want to be at least one notch above the mindset of a servant.

Saw the Spanish prime minister on TV the other day, basically chanting "vacuna y mascarilla," like in some crazy sect. And that's precisely what Covidism has become: a deranged sect that hates anything which makes life a joy to live.

I'm starting to renounce the idea that I can fly a plane again without this religious symbol covering my nose and mouth or being able to shop freely without constantly feeling uncomfortable breathing. Or lifting weights in a gym – whoever came up with having to wear masks when working out must be a fucking couch potato who has never set foot in a gym.

I will, however, walk outside without your ridiculous mask and see the faces of others brave enough to go against this batshit crazy restriction and let my baby girl see my smile. You'll not take that one away from me.

What if they next tell you to put on that crown? Or attach a 6-foot spike on your body to help you keep the suggested social distance.

I know that some of you still have a small flame of liberty burning within you and a growing fatigue about this whole shit that's been going on for nearly 2 years now.

Where do you draw the line?

(Originally written on Jan 21st, 2022.)